a few topics moved to "Private"

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Posts: 125
Joined: Fri Sep 05, 2008 9:47 pm
First Name: Alan
Last Name: Sieg
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Location: western North Carolina

a few topics moved to "Private"

Post by wb5rmg » Mon Mar 09, 2009 8:24 am

A few of the topics that were previously under this Forum, have been moved to the Private RACES/ARES Discussion Forum.

A reminder or two; the Public Forums are primarily here for sharing information that is oriented for public consumption, and are not generally used for back-and-forth discussions. Any new topics and replies to the Public Forums are subject to moderation and may notice a delay before appearing on the site. This is not to squelch discussion, but to keep the necessary control over what is going to appear in the various search-engines. We heartily encourage discussion, and will be pleased to see more.

Obviously some items of discussion may result in a new topic that appears here in the Public Forum, but generally speaking lets try to keep our discussions in the Discussion Forum.

Thanks /;^)
###### WB5RMG is Alan Sieg ## http://wb5rmg.wordpress.com ######
(Former) ARRL/ARES Assistant Emergency Coordinator, Madison County Alabama

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